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Notes and Thoughts on Genealogy
There will information from other branches of the family around the country, family trees, and letters and documents that family members wrote and received.
Note: Some of these documents are no longer posted directly online, however nothing disappears from the Internet. Images of many sites are taken by some companies and government agencies even though the original posts are removed. One good site where these sites can be recaptured is:
Birthdays, Anniversaries, marriages as of 2021:
Jan 20 - Cassandra Reese Van Schuyler 11 2010
Jan 25 - Tommy Van Schuyler 47 1974
Jan 31 - Tommy & Julie anniversary 18
Feb 8 - Jessica Leiner O'Meara 51 1970
Feb 11 - Alexander Thomas Van Schuyler 13
Feb 16 - Julie Van Schuyler 48 1973
Mar 1 - Schlosser anniversary 26 1995
Mar 7 - Brett Leiner 49 1972
Mar 17 - Leiner anniversary 53 1968
Apr 3 - Barry Beck 70 1951
Apr 4 - Hank Schlosser 80 1941
Apr 6 - Taylor Jordan Leiner 17 2004
Apr 7 - Meredith Van Schuyler 49 1972
June 7 - Philip & Meredith anniversary
Aug 3 - Tim O'Meara 51 1970
Aug 6 - Jessica & Tim anniversary
Sep 7 - Richard Leiner - 1929
Sep 24 - Avery Marie Van Schuyler 12 2009
Nov 14 - Arlene Leiner 82 1939
Nov 21 - Valerie A. Van Schuyler 17 2004
Dec 5 - Amanda Paige V Schuyler 14 2007
Dec 14 - Ellen Van Schuyler 76 1945
Dec 31 - Philip Van Schuyler 51 1970
Family History:
1845 circa - Hanna Leah b.
1865 circa - Ita Shusha b.
1890 - Tibel Lowis b.
1914 circa - Mendel Pincus d.
1916 - Ita Shusha d.
1935 circa - Hanna Leah d.
1883 - Isaac Beck b.
1884 - Ida Eksel b.
1888 - Lena Pincus b.
1893 - Benjamin Lowis b.
1897 - Benjamin Lowis imm.
1901 - Lena Pincus imm.
1902 circa - Isaac Beck imm.
1903 circa - Ida Eksel imm.
1902 circa - Isaac & Ida m.
1906 - William Beck b.
1908 - Harry Beck b.
1910 Oct 28 - Samuel Beck b.
1915 - Benjamin & Lena m.
1916 Aug 18 - Sylvia Lewis b.
1918 - Flo Lewis b.
1929 Sep 07 - Richard Leiner b.
1936 Nov 22 - Samuel & Sylvia m.
1941 Apr 04 - Hank Schlosser b.
1939 Nov 14 - Arlene Beck b.
1945 Nov 02 - Thomas van Schuyler b.
1945 Dec 14 - Ellen Beck b.
1947 May 08 - Benjamin Lowis d.
1951 Apr 03 Barry Beck b.
1964 Apr 11 Barry Beck b.m.
1966 circa - Ida E Beck d.
1967 Oct 11 Ellen & Thomas m.
1968 Mar 17 Arlene & Richard m.
1969 May 07 Isaac Beck d.
1970 Feb 08 Jessica Dawn Leiner b.
1970 Aug 03 Timothy O'Meara b.
1970 Dec 31 Philip Scott Van Schuyler b.
1972 Mar 07 Brett Mitchell Leiner b.
1972 Apr 07 Meredith Van Schuyler b
1973 Feb 16 Julie Van Schuyler b
1974 Jan 25 Thomas Brian Van Schuyler b.
1977 Jun 22 Samuel Beck d.
1978 Aug 04 Ellen & Thomas div.
1981 Apr 08 Lena P Lewis d.
1983 Mar 12 Jessica Leiner b.m.
1985 Mar 02 Brett Leiner b.m.
1988 May 29 Thomas Van Schuyler d.
1990 Aug 08 Tibel L Sedlik d.
1995 Mar 01 Ellen & Hank Schlosser m.
1999 Jan 23 Sylvia Beck d.
2003 Jan 31 Tom & Julie m.
2003 Jul 07 Philip & Meredith m.
2004 Apr 06 Taylor Jordan Merone b. (Lynn Merone)
2004 Nov 21 Valerie Amber Van Schuyler b.
2005 Aug 06 Jessica & Timothy O'Meara m.
2007 Dec 05 Amanda Paige Van Schuyler b. (christened - 4/27/08)
2008 Feb 11 Alexander Thomas Van Schuyler b. (baptized - 7/13/08)
2009 Sep 24 Avery Marie Van Schuyler b.
2010 Jan 20 Cassandra Reese Van Schuyler b.
2015 Jan 14 Richard Leiner d.
2018 Aug 29 Kenny Leiner d.Taylor Jordan Merone - 4/6/04 - 17 - father is Brett, mother is Lynn Merone
Valerie Amber Van Schuyler - 11/21/04 - 17 - 6:38pm - 8 lbs 12 oz - 21 inches
Amanda Paige Van Schuyler - 12/5/07 - 14 - 12:11pm - 8 lbs 7 oz - 21 inches
Alexander Thomas Van Schuyler - 2/11/08 - 13 - 4:26am - 7 lbs 3 oz - 19 inches
Avery Marie Van Schuyler - 9/24/09 - 12 - 9 lbs 6 oz - 22 inches
Cassandra Reese Van Schuyler - 1/20/10 - 11 - 2:25pm - 7 lbs 4 oz - 21 inchesAs of Sept 2021:
Taylor Jordan Merone - twelfth grade - 17
Valerie Amber - twelfth grade - 17
Amanda Paige - eighth grade - 14
Alexander Thomas - eighth grade - 13
Avery Marie - seventh grade - 12 Cassandra Reese - third grade - 11Valerie - 2013 - Fort Salonga Elementary - 39 Sunken Meadow Road - Northport, NY
Tim siblings - Mary Ellen, Elizabeth, Jane, Kathy, Tim / Mark, Barbara, Cody, Debbie (Tim's mother - 12/11/03)
Historical Notes:
The basic beliefs of Judaism are a love of learning (in ancient times, on the 1st day of school, children were fed honey cakes in the shapes of the letters of the alphabet so that they would associate learning with sweetness); the worship of God out of love, not out of fear; and the performing of heartfelt good deeds without concern about rewards.
Our grandfathers had the foresight to pickup and go to a very foreign-like, other-planet-like world and escape the holocaust.
A place famous for inventing (or reinventing) the Jew was Germany under Hitler. Fortunately for us, earlier on there had been our grandparents incongruously wondering if a Jew was somebody who had necessarily to be destined for destruction in Europe. Think of all they unpinned from our tails, in addition to saving our skin-think of the audacious, inventive genius of the unknowing greenhorns who came to America to settle.
Sometimes I feel like I'm benefiting and living off the hard work, decisions and experience of ten generations of Becks (and Lewises, Pincuses, Ecksels, etc.)
All the millions of sperm to meet the egg / the chances of being me.
New Montefiore - Washington Rd, 2nd Ave, Congregation Beth Shalom, section 5, block 7, north Field of David, section 2, block 2, row D, west // Greenfield 338-4, block 62, south Richie VA site - A35-238 - 3/13/15 - Peace at last, Pain no more.
Lewis, Lowis, Zavalovich, Zabolovsky, Zabolotsi
Beck is a surname of Germanic descent, meaning "brook" or "stream" (related to Old Norse bekkr), and is fairly common in English-speaking countries, Germany and Denmark. The German name can also be a variant of Becker, which is an occupational surname meaning "baker". In Hebrew, it exists as an abbreviated form of B'nei Kiddushim ("sons of the martyrs") BK.
English: topographic name for someone who lived beside a stream, from northern Middle English bekke 'stream' (Old Norse bekkr). English (of Norman origin): habitational name from any of various places in northern France, for example Bec Hellouin in Eure, named with Old Norman French bec 'stream', from the same Old Norse root as in 1. English: probably a nickname for someone with a prominent nose, from Middle English beke 'beak (of a bird)' (Old French bec). English: metonymic occupational name for a maker, seller, or user of mattocks or pickaxes, from Old English becca. In some cases the name may represent a survival of an Old English byname derived from this word. German and Jewish (Ashkenazi): occupational name for a baker, a cognate of Baker, from (older) South German beck, West Yiddish bek. Some Jewish bearers of the name claim that it is an acronym of Hebrew ben-kedoshim 'son of martyrs', i.e. a name taken by one whose parents had been martyred for being Jews. North German: topographic name for someone who lived by a stream, from Low German Beke 'stream'. Compare the High German form Bach 1. Scandinavian: habitational name for someone from a farmstead named Bekk, Bæk, or Bäck, or a topographic name for someone who lived by a stream.
Brook - English, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian English - baker, beak, pick-ax Yiddish - son of martyrs French - place name
Khazar Jews - all this is based on some truth that even some Jewish historians have explored, but is largely being used now as some kind of proof that Jews of today have no connection with Jews of the Bible, so it is used by anti-Semites, White Supremacists, and Neo-Nazis who want to delegitimize Jews of today. They often claim that latest DNA evidence proves this, but in fact DNA evidence upholds that Ashkenazi East European Jews of today are descended from Judea by way of the Roman Empire and then Eastern Europe.
So with the caveat that this is unproved, not generally accepted, specious, fallacious, and used for racist purposes, here are some thoughts or answers to questions I have enquired into:
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn on Khazars - Two Hundred Years Together: Russo-Jewish History, Vol. 1: 1795-1916. - http://butler-harris.org/archives/299
Probable derivation of the name "Beck" in Russia A couple of times I asked my father about the name Beck. It didn't seem a typical Russian name or Jewish name. Had it been changed or shortened? He didn't think so and said it was from "cap" This is a possible derivation of the name "Beck" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khagan_Bek http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bey Khagan Bek is the title used by the Bek (generalissimo) of the Khazars. Khazar kingship was divided between the khagan and the Bek or Khagan Bek. Contemporary Arab historians related that the Khagan was purely a spiritual ruler or figurehead with limited powers, while the Bek was responsible for administration and military affairs. Other possibility is by way of England, Germany, or Scandinavia: Beck is a British word meaning "brook" or "stream" (from the Old Norse bekkr), and is a fairly common English surname.
Some sources refer to the Khazar Bek as ishad (a Göktürk military rank) or Malik (Arabic for "king", also used as a high rank). He was theoretically the subordinate of the Khagan but in reality controlled the military and civil government for the Khazar khaganate. It is asserted by some scholars that the house of the Bulanids were hereditary Khagan Beks, which would be parallel to the Japanese shogunate.
Bey is originally a Turkish word for "chieftain," traditionally applied to the leaders of small tribal groups. In historical accounts, many Turkish, other Turkic and Persian leaders are titled Bey, Beg or Beigh. They are all the same word with the simple meaning of "leader." The regions or provinces where Beys (the equivalent of Duke in Europe) ruled or which they administered were called Beylik, roughly meaning "Emirate" or "Principality" in the first case, "Province" or "Governorate" in the second (the equivalent of Duchy in Europe). Today, the word is used as a social title for men (like the English word "mister").
The first three rulers of the Ottoman realm were titled Bey. The chief sovereign of the Ottoman Empire only came to be called Sultan starting in 1383 when Murad I was granted this title by the shadow Caliph in Cairo.
The Ottoman state had started out as one of a dozen Turkish Ghazi Beyliks, roughly comparable to western European duchies, into which Anatolia (i.e., Asian Turkey, or Asia Minor) had been divided after the break-up of the Seljuk Sultanate of Ikonion (Konya) and the military demise of the Byzantine Empire. Its capital was Bursa. By 1336 it had only annexed the Beylik of Karasy, its western neighbor on the coast of the Sea of Marmara, but it began to expand quite rapidly thereafter.
As the Ottoman realm grew from a Beylik into an imperial Sultanate, the title "Bey" came to be applied to subordinate military and administrative officers, such as a district administrator and lower-level minor military governors. The latter were usually titled Sanjakbey (after the term "Sanjak", denoting a military horsetail banner). Beys were lower in rank than Pashas and provincial governors (Walis, usually holding the title of Pasha), who governed most of the Ottoman vilayets (provinces).
Eventually the chiefs of the former Ottoman capitals Bursa and Edirne (formerly the Byzantine Adrianople) in Turkish Thrace both were designated "Bey."
Over time the title became somewhat was devalued, as Bey was even used a courtesy title (alongside Pashazade) for a Pasha's son. It also came to be attached to officers and dignitaries below those entitled to be Pashas, notably the following military officer ranks (still lower ranks were styled Effendi.)
About 3.5 million of today's Ashkenazi Jews - 40 percent of the total Ashkenazi population - are descended from just four women, a genetic study indicates.
Those women apparently lived somewhere in Europe within the last 2,000 years, but not necessarily in the same place or even the same century, said lead author Dr. Doron Behar of the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel.
He did the work with Karl Skorecki of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and others.
Each woman left a genetic signature that shows up in their descendants today, he and colleagues say in a report published online by the American Journal of Human Genetics. Together, their four signatures appear in about 40 percent of Ashkenazi Jews, while being virtually absent in non-Jews and found only rarely in Jews of non-Ashkenazi origin, the researchers said.
They said the total Ashkenazi population is estimated at around 8 million people. The estimated world Jewish population is about 13 million.
Ashkenazi Jews are a group with mainly central and eastern European ancestry. Ultimately, though, they can be traced back to Jews who migrated from Israel to Italy in the first and second centuries, Behar said. Eventually this group moved to Eastern Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries and expanded greatly, reaching about 10 million just before World War II, he said.
Maternal lineages traced - The study involved mitochondrial DNA, called mtDNA, which is passed only through the mother. A woman can pass her mtDNA to grandchildren only by having daughters. So mtDNA is "the perfect tool to trace maternal lineages," Behar said Thursday in a telephone interview.
His study involved analyzing mtDNA from more than 11,000 samples representing 67 populations.
Mike Hammer, who does similar research at the University of Arizona, said he found the work tracing back to just four ancestors "quite plausible ... I think they've done a really good job of tackling this question."
But he said it's not clear the women lived in Europe.
"They may have existed in the Near East," Hammer said. "We don't know exactly where the four women were, but their descendants left a legacy in the population today, whereas ... other women's descendants did not."
Behar said the four women he referred to did inherit their genetic signatures from female ancestors who lived in the Near East. But he said he preferred to focus on these later European descendants because they were at the root of the Ashkenazi population explosion.
Professional genealogists and DNA researchers estimate that a majority of living persons in the Western hemisphere - sometime cited as high as 80% could equally claim such descent (from Charlemagne or other royal lines.)
How the scientists had obtained a sample of the DNA of Confucius, Mohammad, and Charlemagne was not explained.
Even without a documented connection to a notable forebear, experts say the odds are virtually 100 percent that every person on Earth is descended from one royal personage or another. "Millions of people have provable descents from medieval monarchs," said Mark Humphrys, a genealogy enthusiast and professor of computer science at Dublin City University in Ireland. "The number of people with unprovable descents must be massive."
By the same token, for every king in a person's family tree there are thousands and thousands of nobodies whose births, deaths and lives went completely unrecorded by history. We'll never know about them, because until recently vital records were a rarity for all but the noble classes.
Itt works the other way, too. Anybody who had children more than a few hundred years ago is likely to have millions of descendants today, and quite a few famous ones.
Take King Edward III, who ruled England during the 14th century and had nine children who survived to adulthood. Among his documented descendants are presidents (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, Zachary Taylor, both Roosevelts), authors (Jane Austen, Lord Byron, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning), generals (Robert E. Lee), scientists (Charles Darwin) and actors (Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn, Brooke Shields). Some experts estimate that 80 percent of England's present population descends from Edward III.
Of course, the only reason we're talking about Edward III is that history remembers him. For every medieval monarch there are countless long-dead nobodies whose intrigues, peccadilloes and luck have steered the course of history simply by determining where, when and with whom they reproduced. The longer ago somebody lived, the more descendants a person is likely to have today. Humphreys estimates that Muhammad, the founder of Islam, appears on the family tree of every person in the Western world.
Some people have actually tried to establish a documented line between Muhammad, who was born in the 6th century, and the medieval English monarchs, and thus to most if not all people of European descent. Nobody has succeeded yet, but one proposed lineage comes close. Though it runs through several strongly suspicious individuals, the line illustrates how lines of descent can wander down through the centuries, connecting famous figures of the past to most of the people living today.
Let's consider - Mitochondrial Eve 150,000 BCE - Adam 60,000 BCE (more children but less survive) / 20,000 / Confucius, Mohammad, Charlemagne / Six degrees / Flood / Atlantis / last ice ages 11000 BCE Great leaps physical 150 / cultural mental talking 50 Neanderthal 1-4 percent except Africa 1980-90s Main ice ages 2000 years before 9600 BCE the last major ice age allowing settling of Americas Rituals - God gene (not what seems) - social glue - people who believe more likely to survive.
Based on statistical evidence rather than on known existing records, little of which exists for the mass of Humanity:
If we go back 20 generations, multiplying each successive generation by 2, each of us supposedly has 2,097,152 ancestors of that generation alone. After 30 generations, each of us apparently has 2,147,483,648 ancestors of that generation. After 40 generations, we each have 2,199,023,255,552. These numbers are clearly fantastic, because the numbers of human beings that have ever lived on earth--at least those living into adulthood and thus capable of reproducing--may not have approached even 10 billion-far, far short of 2 trillion! This means that if we go far enough back we are descended from the same fairly small number of people many times over, particularly if our origins are in the same part of the world. For example, each of us in this line of the family is descended from Charlemagne in more than one hundred different ways through at least three of his offspring. Thus anyone claiming special status for being descended from royalty is making an exceedingly insignificant claim. It certainly will not put one in line for any thrones!
The real pleasure in researching genealogy comes to those already possessing a love of history in general. Confirmation, of sorts, appears in an article by Steve Olson, "The Royal We", The Atlantic Monthly, vol. 289, no. 5 (May 2002), pp. 62-64. Citing Mark Humphreys, who maintains a website titled "Royal Descents of Famous People", Olson argues that, "…everyone in the world is descended from Nefertiti and Confucius, and everyone of European ancestry is descended from Muhammad and Charlemagne."
It is worth pointing out that the whole idea of Anglo-Saxon England is a myth. Historical geneticist Bryan Sykes has found in his Saxons, Vikings and Celts, that the genetic mix in England is not for the most part different from that in Wales and Scotland and Ireland. There are, here and there, signs of Norse or German (Angles and Saxons) settlement, but they are minor and have to be looked for and are mainly in the y chromosome markers, i.e. on the male side of inheritance. The women are virtually all Celts.
However, even Celts are a historical construct as a matter of race. In his Seven Daughters of Eve, Sykes had found that almost all Europeans are descended from only seven women who lived sometime in the past 45,000 years, one of them from the Middle East. These seven haplotypes or genetic patterns show up in all European populations, including the Basque (in the mitochondria, the power plant of the cell, which is passed on through females and does not change in each generation).
There simply are no distinctive "races" in Europe.
England had a Celtic myth of origins, centered on the fable of Arthur Pendragon, for centuries. It was only with the rise of Aryan racial theory in the mid-nineteenth-century that significant numbers of English authors started locating their national genealogy in the Anglo-Saxons. Most people have been embarrassed enough by the Nazi experience and the Holocaust to stop ordering the world in the terms of racial affinities and hierarchies.
Granted that my nephews and their descendents are not direct descendents from Revolutionary War General Philip Schuyler or related to Hamilton and maybe Jefferson… but their father Thomas was adopted by his step-father Philip Van Schuyler, however all of this is silly or beside that point as we are all descended from (Europeans from Charlemagne, maybe the world from Mohammed or Confucius, many illegitimate, adoptions wanders, so all of use are descended from kings and slaves.
by Barry BeckCopyright © 2021 Barry Beck. All Rights Reserved.
Not to be reprinted without the permission of the author or Philip Van Schuyler or Thomas Van Schuyler